Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Don’t Miss an Opportunity to get Your “Feng Shui Consultation in a Book.”

Are you looking to realize your goals? Feng Shui creates an environment that radiates positive energy and nurtures your life. With easy Feng Shui enhancements, you achieve your life goals. My book, Empower Your Life Through Feng Shui, in its workbook format, is designed to lead you to success in eight easy steps. With over a decade of experience as a Feng Shui consultant, I have witnessed the power of Feng Shui to dramatically transform people's lives. The goal is to go slow and take it one step at a time, which is why I created this workbook in a reflective step-by-step format. You will be led through eight easy steps, that can be followed over and over for each area of need, each goal in your life. I call it your Personal Feng Shui consultation in a book because with this reflective guide you will be able to begin enhancing your home yourself. By the end of this workbook you will have:

1. An understanding of the Feng Shui principles
2. A guide to easy Feng Shui enhancements
3. A map of your home using the Feng Shui Bagua
4. An evaluation of your greatest needs and life goals
5. Ideas for creating vision boards and affirmations
6. Learned how to use the Five Feng Shui elements to balance your home and your life
7. Gained an opportunity to journal your goals, needs, reflections, and successes

Whether your goals are love, health, prosperity, career, creativity, travel, or personal development, the strategies in this workbook will empower you to achieve them. I believe in empowerment through environment.

Get it immediately through my publisher Book Baby:

Or, pre-order through Amazon - release date on May 8.

I will also be having a book signing at:
Bookshop Benicia, 636 1st Steet, Benicia
Sunday, May 19 – 5:30
Let’s meet and get your book signed!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Feng Shui Teaches How Clutter Can Affect Your Health


If you, or a family member, is having health issues, see a doctor and follow what’s prescribed, but also look at your home, to see if your environment is contributing to your illness.

Feng Shui, which has been practiced for over 3,000 years in China, is the enhancement of health, prosperity, and happiness. The belief is that that your vitality, resources, and loving connections flourish and grow best in harmonious, uncluttered environments.

On the other hand, clutter is a typical daily issue, often leading to feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and disorganized. Whether it's a messy desk, a cluttered closet, or a chaotic living space, clutter can significantly impact your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Clutter makes it difficult to focus and stay productive. It also contributes to anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction with your surroundings, all of which contribute to health issues.

Research has shown that a cluttered environment increases negative emotions like confusion, irritability, frustration, and depression.  This can affect you mentally and physically, hindering productivity, increasing stress and anxiety levels, and lowering mood and well-being.

Clutter can also impact physical health by creating hazards and increasing the risk of accidents or falls. Additionally, clutter can make it harder to maintain good hygiene by creating an environment that is difficult to clean. And being in dusty rooms can trigger allergies or cause sickness.  

A cluttered home can also affect your sleep. A cluttered space can be overstimulating, making it difficult to relax and prepare for sleep.

Clutter is visually overwhelming and affects your ability to make decisions. It creates a distracting, disorganized, and stressful environment that can make it difficult to focus, find information, and feel in control.

There is often a correlation between excessive clutter and problems that occur in one’s life. For example, a cluttered desk or closet in the Wealth and Prosperity area can lead to feeling stuck with finances. This is especially important on the Health, Family and Friends Area. (middle left area of your home) This is a Wood Element area and responds well to the colors blue, green, vibrant plants, and anything floral. If health is an issue, ensure that this area of your home is organized first. Slowly begin decluttering and enhancing with healthy plants, vibrant floral arrangements, and art.  Look at your home with Feng Shui eyes. What are you holding on to that is keeping you feeling ill?

A clean and organized environment can improve your mood and increase calmness, happiness and most importantly your health.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Feng Shui is About Surrounding Yourself with Beauty

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art that allows us to create harmony and balance through our environment. This harmony and balance lend support to our lives. When our lives are supported through our environment it’s much easier to achieve the things we want such as good health, well-being, love, and happiness.

It is about arranging our environment, our homes, and our businesses to let in the life force energy, called ‘Ch’i,” and lead us to prosperity and success. The peacefulness of our homes leads us to help us achieve peace, health, and joy.

Feng Shui doesn’t have many hard and fast rules, but rather recommendations to help enhance your life. 

The first is to ensure your safety and comfort. It is advised to avoid hard angles, but rather surround yourself with curved flowing lines, like curved paths and rounded furniture.  Another recommendation is to avoid placing your desk or furniture with your back to the door, which acts to disempower you. Placing your desk facing the door of the room puts you in the power position.


The second is to keep your home orderly but be sure you express yourself. Surround yourself with pictures of family and friends, art that you love, and places for your hobbies.  You want your home to be your sanctuary and comfort zone.


The third, and the one I feel is the most important, is to live with what you love. Surround yourself with beauty which will enhance and uplift your wellbeing.  Whether in art, furniture, plants and flowers, or a captivating view, surrounding yourself with beauty is one of the most important aspects of Feng Shui.

When a client of mine is stuck, or has an area in their home which they don’t like, I often advise them to place something of beauty which they love in that space, such as a beautiful flower arrangement, a stunning vase, a vibrant cloth, or an interesting piece of art. That begins the active life force energy, the Ch’i circulating, and leads them to more creative energy.


I love surrounding myself with beautiful fresh flower arrangements which I have created. I enjoy looking at my father’s art, evoking numerous memories, as well as pictures of my daughter, grandchildren, and soulmate. I feel that vibrant colors and bold shapes uplift me.


Find what you love in your home and surround yourself with beauty. Your Feng Shui journey will have begun.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Creating Love Altars and Vision Boards to Improve Your Feng Shui

In Feng Shui there is a belief that seeing things that make you feel calm or that you regard as beautiful help to nourish you. When you create a place where you can see those calming and beautiful things daily, you will create a place where your dreams and goals can be nourished and ultimately manifested.

Feng Shui Love Altars and Vision Boards can help you picture and realize your dreams. They are simply a collection of images, words and objects that represent a physical manifestation of your feelings and thoughts, creating a doorway from the unseen to the seen.  They are known to produce profound results, both those expected as well as unexpected, due perhaps to their influence on the unconscious or subconscious mind.

They both work on many levels:   

Vision Boards: 

A Vision Board is a one-dimensional board which helps you set and prioritize your goals and intentions. The process of creating a vision board helps to solidify these goals in your head and sends them out to the universe. Seeing your vision board regularly, with images and words representing your goals, and    wishes helps remind you of what you want to do, who you want to be, and what you want to have. The vision board helps to ensure that you continue to move towards those things, both consciously and unconsciously.  Vision boards are fun to make and tap into your creativity.

Love Altars:

Love Altars are three-dimensional vision boards. Rather than creating a board which hangs on a wall, you instead create a grouping of items which sit on a small table or counter.  I work closely with two amazing life coaches  who work with women searching for their soulmates. As in Feng Shui their work looks at having these amazing women love themselves first, and feel whole, as they create space for their soulmates. As part of their training, they create love altars and place them in the Feng Shui Love area of their homes as a daily reminder of their goals and dreams. 

Most of all, whichever you chose – THEY WORK! They have worked for me and for others. I can look back at past vision boards I have created and am excited to compare them against the final results. I also have many clients who have created love altars who have gotten engaged and happily married. 

A client's love altar

How To Create a Love Altar:

A Love Altar is a very personal, three-dimensional individualized representation of your hopes and dreams.

  • Begin with a special place ideally in the Love area of your home, or master bedroom. 
  • Cover with a beautiful cloth (in the Love area think of red, pink, or white) 
  • Cut out images and words from magazines, calendars, maps, postcards, photos that represent your love goals, or search online and download pictures from websites. 
  • Add items in pairs, such as candles, lovebirds, crystals, scented oils etc.
  • Write affirmations as if they have already happened, such as “I am in a loving relationship with     my soulmate.” 
  • Look at it on a daily basis and recite your affirmations. 


How To Create a Vision Board:

A Vision Board is a very personal, one-dimensional representation of your hopes and dreams, so no two are alike. 

  • Begin with a board (11x14 or 8 ½ by 14 are the most practical sizes, but anything goes). You can   also pick up poster boards at your local Dollar Stores.   You can think of your life in the course of a year (what you want to have accomplished this time  next year), a season or just a single event, for example a wedding. You can even envision loftier  lifetime goals such as career or family you have always wanted. Then close your eyes and visualize exactly what you want to happen. See all the details. Imagine your perfect home, office, or event setting. Imagine the people in your life as part of the vision. What else do you see? Hear? How does your vision make you feel? Cut out images from magazines, calendars, maps, postcards, photos that represent these goals, or  search online and download pictures from websites. 
  • You can make it 3 dimensional by adding glitter, string, stickers, shells, rocks, magnets, beads etc.  Remember you have freedom in creating YOUR board.
  • Use a glue stick, glue gun, tacks, white glue, tape etc. to adhere items to the board. 
  • Add inspirational words that are very specific to your goals. Words are very powerful, they turn     ideas into action, and therefore they need to be always kept in the affirmative; positive, uplifting    statements only.
  • Add specific affirmations that you write yourself, as if the goal has already happened.               For example: “I love my career. I excel in my position and I am given constant accolades for a job well  done. I am on the right path for growth.” 
  • If you want to create a board with quantitative goals, add sticker dots to each one as you achieve  them. (A real estate agent had a goal of selling 10 homes that season. She placed a dot on         her  board each time she sold one. This way she could honor her achievements and watch her goal manifest itself. )

                                                               A vacation vision board 

Remember, these are guidelines; there is no right or wrong to creating a love altar or vision board. They are a personal representation of YOUR goals; therefore, must speak to YOU.

                                                  A vision board for our kitchen project

You’re done! Display your altar or board in a location where you will see it every day. This will keep you grounded, help you grow and remind you of what you are grateful for.  It will help you create order out of chaos. Once you have achieved the goals update it or create new ones. This is not an event – it’s a journey. Enjoy the journey and the unfolding of your life!