Thursday, September 10, 2015

Create Passion Through Feng Shui

In Feng Shui it is a known fact that your environment is either supporting you or draining you. If you are looking to put more passion into your current relationship, or find a new relationship, Feng Shui can definitely help. Look to your bedroom for support and follow these simple guidelines for helping you create a passionate atmosphere.

1. Begin by evaluating your bedroom. What is it saying to you? Does it set the scene for the relationship you want, is it calm and nourishing, or is it a room filled with piles, one that you don't think too much about because you only sleep, or maybe try to sleep there.

2. Let go of anything you don't want to bring into your present or upcoming relationship. Remove pictures of children and family members; just pictures of your mate or romantic representations here – and items in pairs to represent “two –ness.”

3. The bedroom is your romantic boudoir, therefore it is important to remove exercise equipment, desk, and computers.  This energy will conflict with the purpose of the bedroom - serenity, romance and renewal. If necessary, use a screen to separate these different functions.

4. Remove the television from your bedroom. The television is a more vibrant, yang energy, which can make it less relaxing for sleep, and take your attention away from your partner. If you have to have one in the bedroom, place it in an armoire so it can be closed off when sleeping.

5. Move your bed to the ideal Feng Shui position, which is as far away from the door as possible, and with a clear view of the door from where you lie. If you cannot see the door easily, this will set up an unconscious vulnerability that will affect the quality of your sleep and other aspects of your life.

6.  Get a new bed and bedding if your bed holds memories of past relationships. Your bed holds the energy of anyone who has slept in it, so invest in the best possible bed and begin anew.

7.  The most draining thing in Feng Shui is clutter. Clutter affects all areas of your life more than anything else, and your bedroom is no exception. Clutter here will be affecting your health, your prosperity, and both existing and potential relationships. Begin your Feng Shui journey by decluttering your bedroom, and closet.

8. Art work is a powerful enhancement in creating your life. Position images of pairs of things in your bedroom and relationship areas of your home. Place pictures of you and your partner and/or romantic representations above the bed and around the room. Wherever you bedroom is in your home bring in accents of the red spectrum to symbolize the fire element.

9. Make space for a relationship by having items in pairs; two lamps, nightstands, pillows, and even two bathrobes in the bathroom.

10. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important. To love another you must first love yourself. Nurture yourself with your favorite scented candles, music and sensual fabrics.

11. Express gratitude for the love that you already have in your life; family friends, pets, interests. Wake up feeling thankful for the love that surrounds you and more blessings will come.

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