Thursday, August 13, 2020

Inner Feng Shui Blessings

During this time of sheltering in place we have the opportunity to practice your Inner Feng Shui which is as important as enhancing your home. Inner Feng Shui helps to calm you, bring you inner peace and strengthens your immune system by lightening  your behavior load:

Are there behaviors in your life that make you unhappy?  For example: always being late, procrastinating, not getting enough sleep, overeating, lack of exercise, being critical and negative, being overly stressed.  Unhappiness with your behavior serves to drain you on a daily basis. On the other hand good Feng Shui nourishes you. Therefore as you enter this transformation begin small; choose one behavior you want to change and write it down as a positive affirmation, for example, if you are always late the affirmation would say, “I make sure to leave enough extra time when I go somewhere to ensure I am on time.”  Focus on that behavior, elicit the help of friends and reward yourself for small accomplishments.

As you let go of the negative fill yourself with behaviors that help transform you:

1) Show gratitude

2) Meditate - I've been listening to "YouTube Loving Kindness Meditations"each morning

3) Breathe deeply

4) Listen to music

5) Laugh It Off

6) Exercise

7) Spend time with friends – even if it’s only by socially distancing video or phone chats

8) Help others

Take time to rejuvenate your system and watch opportunities come your way


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