Feng Shui is all about creating a positive energy field in your environment, that then transfers to you and affects your life. When your home energy is cluttered, messy and stuck you feel the same way. Due to the Corona Virus most children are having to experience school at home. How does your child’s home classroom space effect their learning?
Look to Feng Shui to help them succeed. The purpose of Feng Shui in a child’s home classroom is to create a healthy, happy environment that fosters education, increased self esteem, and happy relationships with parents and teachers. Children and parents can enjoy success if the environment supports them.
Suggestions for Children’s Home Classroom:
• Create a space for study - Having a dedicated space, including a desk and lamp where your child can study, demonstrates to your child the importance you place on education and your child’s educational achievement. Remember that the desk should be in the power position facing the door. The child should not have his/her back to the door or to a window. In Feng Shui, sitting with your back to a window, especially when working or studying, means you don’t have solid support and there isn’t anything to back you up. Sitting with your back to a window makes you vulnerable to anything behind you. Having a back to the door disempowers the child and keeps them distracted by always having to look back. It’s important that they have their backs to a solid wall.
• Possessions: Avoid clutter. Keep the work space neat and organized with everything needed in easy reach.
• Colors: Locate where the best area for the educational work space in relation to the home’s Bagua and enhance with recommendations below.
Connecting Your Child’s School Workplace to the Bagua:
The Feng Shui Bagua (Ba-gua) Map is known as an environmental treasure map helping you locate specific energies in your home. Wherever your child’s workspace is located on the Bagua, use some of the attributes of that sector to aid in your decoration. Always remember to keep the area calm.
A Sample of Children’s Work space Enhancements using the Bagua:
• CAREER – Front Center –Calm water scenes, inspirational posters related to school success
• KNOWLEDGE/SELF CULTIVATION– Left Front Corner – Live plants, art depicting wooded areas, pastel green
• FAMILY/FRIENDS/HEALTH – Left Center - Plants, pastel green, pictures of flowers and family
• WEALTH – Back Left Corner – Plants with rounded leaves, symbols of wealth, pastel lavender
• FAME – Back Center –Diplomas, awards and acknowledgements, inspirational posters, pastel shades of red
• LOVE – Right Back Corner – Pairs of items, pastel shades of red or pink
• CHILDREN/CREATIVITY – Right Center –Art depicting children, whites, pastels, whimsical items
• HELPFUL PEOPLE/TRAVEL– Right Front Corner –Travel posters, art depicting spiritual guides, or pictures of teachers
• CENTER –Pastel earth tones, items in the shape of squares, rectangles and ceramics
Serenity is the goal – when you calm the environment you calm the child, and allow for creativity and learning to blossom. Using Feng Shui to help you create a motivating work space will lead to motivation towards learning and higher achievement.