Friday, November 13, 2020

Feng Shui Home Blessings with the Five Elements

Lately I've been blessed with numerous clients who are using this sheltering in place time to have virtual Feng Shui consultations to enhance the energy in their homes. 

I recently had the opportunity to bless a home which was under a large remodeling process. With masks on the client, another student,  and myself began the ceremony  to invite positive energy to the project. 

We began with getting in tune with the existing energies in the space, especially in the three rooms where construction was happening.

I lit sage and chanted "Om Mani  Padme Hum" (a meditation mantra for transformation) nine times in each corner, and around the room while my clients rang bells and chimes. In each room the client then stated her affirmation for the space. 


The ceremony involved all of Feng Shui’s Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), plus items that anchor and enhance each area of the Bagua.  I created three five element offerings:  a white, round bowl (metal) filled with water (water), with a red floating candle (fire) and a yellow flower (earth and wood).  After the clearing we left a bowl in each of the three spaces we cleared and blessed.  I anticipate a smooth completion of the project. 


A space-clearing ceremony makes every space feel fresh and new. It's the perfect way to give yourself a fresh start. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Enjoying Good Family Health Practices is Good Feng Shui

To create a good Feng Shui foundation for a healthy home and family you have to begin with a few basic Feng Shui health practices.

1) During these times of sheltering in place and social distancing, many families are finding creative ways to exercise together; whether going on nature walks, bicycling, doing home exercise routines and yoga. Parents modeling these practices with their children are helping to create healthy inner Feng Shui. 


2) One of the most effective practices is to create a clutter free space. Clutter drains your energy, which will effect your health and that of your entire family.  Begin in the room most used by your family, or maybe where you plan to exercise together and give yourself the gift of a peaceful space without piles which create unnecessary stress in your life. 

3) Surround yourself with good air quality. You may want to get an air purifier, essential oils or just open the windows if fresh air is available. Air purifying plants are a wonderful way to clear the air and bring the healthy aspects of the Wood element into your home; choose from Spider Plant, Boston Fern, Areca Palm, Snake Plant, Weeping Fig, Peace Lily or Bamboo Palm to name a few.  Good air circulation leads to good Feng Shui. 

4) Along with air circulation the body reacts better to sufficient natural light. Try to open those curtains to receive as much natural light as possible, because the quality of light adds to your health and well being. Also, be aware of the quality of light in your home and avoid florescent lights when possible. 

With a few easy steps you can create a home environment that nourishes you and your family every day.
