to think that our cars also have Feng Shui, and being in them for a good length of the day, like most of us are, can have a positive or negative effect on our
energy. I share this article by Feng Shui practitioner Carol Hyder in hope that you look at your car differently and use it to help enhance your life.
Car Shui: What is Your Car Saying About
Your Life? By Carole Hyder
"One of the main principles of Feng
Shui is that “your space mirrors what’s happening in your life.” Most of us
spend a lot of time in our cars, either commuting to and from work or selling
out on the road. It would follow then that your car can have as much influence
on your life as your home or office. Therefore, the state of your automobile
can impact dramatically the state of your well-being and productivity. Since cars are an important part of
most everyone’s life, it’s important to see how this mobile space may be
impacting your life.
Here are ways your car may be giving
you an obvious metaphor for your life…
Running on fumes or running on empty. We use this description when our car is low on gas and we
use those same words when we’re depleted. Keeping your tank at half-full or
more might help you eliminate describing yourself in such an exhausted way.
Brakes are squealing. When your car decides to let you know in an audible way
that your brakes need help, you need to see if you need a “break” job as well.
Getting those brakes fixed might provide you a chance to have your own breaks
Oil leak. As crucial fluids leak away from your car, you may also be
experiencing some leakage of energy, time, money, or creativity in your life.
No opportunities. If your passenger seat is so full of stuff that no one
could ride with you, you may be closing off some great ideas or opportunities
that would love to ride along with you.
Name your car. It’s been a known fact that a car runs better when it has
a name, probably because the owner relates to it on a personal basis and takes
better care of it.
Making your car as enjoyable as
possible is what this is all about. It’s important that you see your car as an
extension of your living space and treat it as such. Just like your house, your
automobile will take care of you if you take care of it."
I’m glad my daughter gifted me with these
personalized license plates. They make me feel happy every time I see them, which in turn nurtures my energy. Good Feng Shui all around!