Thursday, February 13, 2025

Nurture Your Feng Shui by Bringing Nature into Your Home

Winter storms have brought much needed water to our environment, but the rains are keeping us inside. I’m looking at my beautiful garden, and although I can’t be outside enjoying it, I can still glean the nurturing benefits of nature by bringing nature into my home. 

One of the Feng Shui principles is that “Everything is Alive”; everything in your home is alive and either nurturing or draining you. The Feng Shui masters first looked at nature for harmonious spaces, therefore bringing a bit of nature into your home can help to uplift the energy, thereby nurturing you. Healthy plants and fresh flowers are an instant way of creating a beautiful, harmonious space. 

In Feng Shui, plants connect us to nature, bringing freshness and vitality to the home. They create calming feelings, enhance the flow of energy, and can help purify the air. 

Choosing green, vibrant plants with round, soft leaves is recommended. It’s useful to consider what plants will thrive best in your lighting conditions, and to choose ones you can easily care for.


In contrast, plants with spiky or pointed leaves, such as cacti, are believed to have sharp energy, which can drain positivity from the room.

Tips for bringing nature indoors:

Add a plant to a bare room to bring grounding energy 

Use artificial plants if you don't have a green thumb or enough lighting


Plants recommended in Feng Shui: 

Jade plant: Symbolizes good luck and abundance

Money tree: A good luck charm that's said to attract wealth and abundance

Pothos: Brings wealth and prosperity

Peace lily: Symbolizes prosperity, peace, and purity

Chinese money plant: Believed to bring prosperity and good luck

Citrus tree: Known to bring good luck and fortune

Snake plant: Associated with positivity, protection, and purity

Lucky bamboo: Brings prosperity and good luck

Flowers of any kind: Are the greatest Ch’i enhancers, symbolizing good health


I loved taking flower design classes. Every week I created, brought home, and displayed beautiful arrangements.  The feeling evoked by these arrangements was pure joy as I was continuously nourished by their beauty and combination of Feng Shui elements.  

Bring nature inside your home and surround yourself with its healing energy.  You will love the results! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Establish a Morning Practice for Better Inner Feng Shui

After a restless night’s sleep, I used to wake us, pick up my phone, check email, react to social media, watch the news and busily set off on my day already feeling stressed. That was the old me. After taking a course to discover my inner journey, I learned the importance of a “Morning Practice” to set me up for a successful, calm, restorative day, and a better night's sleep.  This practice, which is closely linked to Inner Feng Shui, opens you up to inner wisdom and is a channel for creativity. Inner Feng Shui helps to calm you, bring you inner peace and strengthens your immune system by lightening your behavior load. 


A Morning Practice need only take 15-20 minutes a day.

I set myself up by leaving a glass of water, a journal, and  some meditation music by my bedside. 


I begin by lying or sitting up in my dark room, sipping my water, and listening to music for meditation for around ten minutes. I practice breathing and close my active mind to the chatter. I just stay in my calm space.

I then turn on a light, pick up my journal and write five things I’m grateful for. This could be something small like my warm bed, or listening to my husband getting me coffee, or something big like the success of my book. 


I complete my journal entry by writing an intention for the day. After a quick stretch, I now feel set up for thriving.

Whatever you do, make it consistent and repetitive.

Other choices for morning practice could be:

Stretching and/or yoga

A longer meditation

Dancing to your favorite music

Sitting in silence

Lighting candles and creating your quiet space

Pulling a Tarot or Medicine card



Creating a healthy morning practice is good Inner Feng Shui, which  nourishes you. Therefore, as you enter this transformation begin small; choose one behavior you want to change and write it down as a positive affirmation, for example, if you are always late the affirmation would say, “I make sure to leave enough extra time when I go somewhere to ensure I am on time.” Write the affirmation as your intent for the day as part of your morning practice.  Focus on that behavior, elicit the help of friends and reward yourself for small accomplishments.

As you let go of the stress you may feel when waking up,  fill yourself with behaviors that help transform you:

1) Show gratitude 

2) Meditate 

3) Breathe deeply 

4) Listen to music 

5) Laugh It Off

6) Exercise

7) Spend time with friends – even if it’s only by socially distancing video or phone chats

8) Help others

Take time to create a nourishing morning practice,  rejuvenate your system and watch opportunities come your way
