Thursday, July 18, 2024

Enhancing Guest Rooms in the Feng Shui Love, Family and Friends Area

Do you want more love in your life?  The art and practice of Feng Shui uses the Feng Shui Bagua to help you identify and enhance each area of your home which is related to those areas in your life. A lot has been written about enhancing the Love area, the back right corner of your home, which is a perfect location for the master bedroom. Not all homes have the master bedroom in this area, for example, in our home, the main floor Love area is in our kitchen, while downstairs it’s in our guest room. Some may have it in the dining room, bathroom, living room etc. Love can reside in many rooms in your home.  But what if it happens to be a guest room?  

                           Two burgundy throw pillows, a love pillow, two nightstands and lamps, and a burgundy throw

The element for the Love, Marriage, and Relationships area is Fire which is represented by any shade in the red color spectrum, from pink tones to burgundy and purple, along with white (the color of the Metal element); the shapes of cones and triangles; any type of lighting; anything derived from animals; and art depicting people, animals, suns, stars. Because the Wood element feeds fire, adding representations of wood, such as plants or items made of wood, helps to nurture your enhancements. Think of a beautiful red or pink orchid with two stems representing romance.

                                                                                                                                                          Pair of birds and a heart

What we did when we redecorated our guest room:


Enhancements for the Love, Marriage, and Relationships Area in a Guest Room of Your Home: (Choose One or More)

• Begin by decluttering the space.

• Add shades of red, pink, and white.

• Enhance with art representing pairs (lovebirds, two hearts, two candles, etc.) and romantic   


• Unlike the master bedroom, where you would place pictures of you and your significant other, 

   here you would hang art representing pairs, hang inspirational sayings representing romance, 

   display hearts. Create an inviting environment for your guests by displaying a vase with pink 

   or red  flowers.

• Display items in the shapes of cones or triangles, or representations of hearts.

• Add your affirmations calling in love and romance.

                                                                                                                     Pairs or artwork - hummingbirds and sea shells

What to Avoid in the Love, Marriage, and Relationships Area:

• Art that represents single people or evokes emotions of sadness or loneliness

• Too much of the color black, representing the Water element which douses fire

                                                                                                                                                Representation of hearts

 Remember that the choices are endless. Enjoy discovering them and be creative!