Thursday, March 29, 2012

Art Complements Feng Shui

   Art of all kinds, including paintings, sculptures, collages and textiles have a powerful effect on your personal energy. To enhance the Chi in your home choose art that elicits positive feelings and makes your heart sing. Your goal is to make sure every piece in your home is one that you love.
   Match your art with the function if each room. Choose soothing, romantic or sensual for bedroom; lively, colorful for the living room; powerful and motivational for home office.
    Use the Bagua Map to help you choose the appropriate art. This Georgia O'Keeffe painting would enhance both the Fame and Reputation area due to it's fiery redness, as well as the Love and Marriage area due to it's representation of a pair of red flowers. Have fun with it!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Feng Shui Entrances

Indoors: As stated in previous posts, the two most important rooms in your home are your master bedroom and your front entrance. The inside of your front entrance is as important as the outside. This is the first thing your guests see and where the Chi (life energy) enters. In Feng Shui your entrance foyer needs to be beautifully inviting. The best painting in the household should be displayed by the front door. If you have the space, set up a welcoming arrangement that may include art, a table with a vase of flowers and/or an interior fountain. When your entry is small hang an attractive mirror, or art with depth to open the space.
 As with the outdoor entrance area, keep the indoor parth free of clutter; avoid toys, sports equiptment, recyclables and mail. If you have a coat rack by the door, keep it organized and not overly stuffed.
  Do whatever you can to treat yourself, your guests and your "chi" to a welcoming first impression.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Most Important Rooms in Feng Shui

The two most important rooms in your home are the master bedroom, which you can read about in previous blogs, and the front entrance.  The area leading up to your front door, as well as immediately inside and outside make up this very important area. This is a place of first impressions, of welcoming your guests and the entrance of "Chi" (positive energy) into your home.  As in your bedroom, make this the most fabulous area ever.

Outdoors: Install a water feature near your front entrance to symbolize your desire to have prosperity flow in (ensure that the water is directed toward your home).  Make the landscaping around your entrance especially lush and inviting.  If possible create a curved, meandering path to the front door, and place interesting garden art and a seating area embellished with beautiful flowers.

In Feng Shui, the color red is often associated with prosperity. Many people paint their front doors a shade of red,  or place red flowers as greeters on each side of the door. Have fun with it, and enjoy the benefits of positive energy flowing in.