Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Feng Feng Shui Garden's Beautiful Transformation


For years my husband and I walked past a sad little house, with an overgrown and unkempt garden. The entry could hardly be seen past the tangled forest of bamboo, cactus and dying plants. We often wondered what would happen to this house….and then… a Feng Shui miracle.



It was sold and purchased by a master gardener and her husband, who spent months transforming the sad mess into a flowering gem. All the bamboo and other plants were torn out, the house got a new roof, windows, interior and exterior paint. Best of all the gardener used Feng Shui principles of open spaces, high and low plants and curved lines. The entrance was now clearly visible and welcoming to the nourishing Ch’i. 


In this hectic world, I have learned the importance of having a space that is calm and healing – your garden can be just that space. The recent rains, with following sunshine have blessed this new garden with lush, shiny leaves and a multitude of buds. Shortly it will be turned into a land of beautiful flowers, intoxicating fragrance and an explosion of color.

 It’s important to have an outlet where the brain can breathe, and your garden can be this natural outlet. After a long day at work or just taking a break from your home routines, a walk through our garden can relax you and help you defuse any stress you may have been dealing with.

In a garden, all the 5 Feng Shui elements are usually represented, allowing you to feel calm and at the same time energized. This is because gardens are living, breathing entities offering us the balance of nature. As your home, gardens reflect your personal energy; they can either serve to deplete your energy, or they can enhance and energize you. 

What aspects of your life would you like to see blossom? What dreams do you need to plant in fertile soil? Do you need to weed or dig out anything that's stifling your growth?

 When applicable, use gardens and landscaping to complete the shape of your home. If your home is not a complete square or rectangle anchor the missing areas with a pleasing combination of trees, flowerbeds, garden sculptures, large rocks, decks, patios, fencing, lighting, specialty gardens and/or water features. There is no end to what you can do and the missing area becomes an enhancing outdoor area. Make sure you have an attractive view from every window and door. Be nourished by a lovely view each time you look out; camouflage or screen unsightly views with trees, trellises with climbing vines, and hanging gardens. An inspirational place to rest the eye is a gift you give yourself every day. Basic Feng Shui principles can help you nurture and strengthen your energy and yourself in all aspects of your life. 


       This home's missing area was anchored by the circle of stones with a heart in the center.

Here are some Feng Shui basics for nurturing gardens:

1) Make the entry beautiful and clutter free.

2) Place water features in the Career and Wealth areas. 

3) Remove dead plants quickly.

4) Balance the Yin/Yang of your garden with opposites (short/tall plants, hot/soft colors, etc.)

5) Whenever possible use curved pathways, allowing the Ch’i to meander and enjoy the beauty. 


6) Keep all systems working (i.e., watering, lighting – nothing should be broken) 

A garden's transformation can definitely transform your life!

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