I love the Zen of daily walks in nature. Even walking through town, I gaze at the beautiful planter boxes and gardens. They uplift my spirit.
Flowers are the quintessential Ch’i enhancers for our homes. They provide us with the beauty and wonder of nature and help us stay connected and grounded to the natural world. Another alternative to fresh flowers are artificial flowers which have the same uplifting effect. Did you know that flowers bring nature into your home, enhance your health, help calm your mind and improve your attitude?
Just like everything in Feng Shui, flowers can uplift the Ch’i if beautiful and healthy, or deplete it if sick, dusty or depleting. If your plants begin to wilt and look sickly, move them on and replace them with vibrant healthy ones. Artificial plants need to be always kept clean and dust free to have the same uplifting effect.
If you do have planter boxes, keep them healthy and vibrant. They do not need an abundance of water, or if you want to conserve water fill them with artificial plants.
In the home, think of the qualities of the Bagua areas you want to enhance and use flower colors to enrich the enhancement. The same goes for the location of your planter boxes: Red flowers at an entrance for Career, white for the Helpful People or Children and Creativity areas, yellow for the Center, pinks or reds for Love, purple for Wealth. Use the beauty of nature to paint a palette of colorful enhancements in your home.

Don’t let your planter boxes drain you. Surround yourself with vibrant beauty and see what a difference it makes in your life!
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